Insight Retreat Center

May 31 to June 5, 2025  –  Hours: Saturday check-in is from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm  End time: Thursday 1:00 pm

Dharma practice is about working with the fundamental forces that shape our experience and lives. Among these forces, the impulses to judge, compare, and fix run deep.

We all know the abiding urge to judge the moment, compare it against some idealized alternative, and devise plans to fix the conditions of this moment. We know the impulse to judge ourselves, compare ourselves to others and determine our relative value. Although these habits of mind are meant to address our pain, they compound it and compromise our freedom.

During our retreat, we’ll explore the costs of measurement and the alternatives to it. In awareness, we become completely at ease with imperfection and relax the habits of measurement we ordinarily use to substantiate ourselves and our story. Stillness invites us to drop all the familiar reference points of liking and disliking, better than and worse than. As silence deepens, the ‘measureless’ heart qualities – lovingkindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity – infuse the places of measurement with relaxation. Discernment and love blossom from the inside.

The retreat will be composed of guided and silent meditation practice, and dharma reflections and meetings with the teachers. All are welcome.

APPLY ONLINE – Registration opens December 31, 2024 – please check back then

  • Submit your application and a $200 deposit. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 5/3/25.
  • Questions: Contact the Registrar: Lily,