Ways to Donate
Dāna is the Buddhist word for giving
IMC and IRC continue a 2,600-year-old Buddhist tradition of providing the teachings freely to all who are interested. IMC and IRC have no paid staff and are run entirely by volunteers. All financial support comes from the generosity of people who value what we do. Tax-deductible donations support all expenses, including programs, publications, website, the Insight Retreat Center, and AudioDharma. Teachers receive no salary and are supported by teacher dÄna. We at IMC and IRC are very grateful for all the support we receive, and are inspired by how beautifully Dharma practice develops when it does so in a field of generosity and gratitude!
Donations to IMC and IRC are tax-deductible. Donations to retreat teaching teams are also tax-deductible. Donations to individually named teachers are not tax-deductible. Insight Meditation Center of the Mid-Peninsula, parent organization of both IMC and IRC, is a 501(c)(3) organization, tax ID 77-0450217.
Online Donations
Retreat Donation
Please enter your desired contribution. You may use a credit card or a Paypal account. You will receive an email receipt.
If you wish to donate to a retreat not listed above, please contact treasurer@insightretreatcenter.org
One-Time Donation
Please enter your desired contribution. You may use a credit card or a Paypal account. You will receive an email receipt.

Monthly Donation
Please enter your desired contribution. You may use a credit card or a Paypal account. You will receive an email receipt.
Thank you!
Other Ways to Donate
Check by Mail
Make checks payable and mail to:
Insight Retreat Center
108 Birch Street
Redwood City, CA 94062
Please indicate “IRC” in memo.
Legacy Community
By making a bequest to include IRC and/or IMC as a beneficiary of your will or living trust, retirement plan, or life insurance policy, you help assure that IMC/IRC will continue to make the Dharma accessible on a dāna basis for generations to come. For information or to arrange a consultation with our volunteer estate-planning attorney, email legacy@insightmeditationcenter.org or call (650) 260-8674.
Buying or Selling Your Home
If you are buying or selling a home, IMC sangha member and longtime local real estate broker Carol Collins can refer you to a conscientious, highly qualified realtor. Carol can serve as your consultant, at no charge, throughout the buying or selling process to assist in all aspects of the transaction. After a sale, a donation is made in your name to IRC. Contact Carol at carolcollins888@gmail.com or (408) 348-1385.
Stock Transfer
Gifts of stock can be a great way to support IRC while also meeting your personal financial-planning objectives. To learn more and/or to receive our brokerage information, you can email fundraising@insightmeditationcenter.org or call (650) 260-8674; you can also use our stock transfer form.
Vehicle Donation
Make a tax-deductible donation of a vehicle you no longer use, working or not, to benefit either IMC or IRC. IMC partners with CARS, a nonprofit organization that handles pick-up and all paperwork. IMC or IRC will receive 75-percent of the sale price of your used vehicle. Tell the CARS associate you speak with whether you would like your donation to benefit IMC or IRC. Call 855-500-RIDE (855-500-7433) and a representative will answer any questions and guide you through the process.
Through a donor-advised fund (DAF) or family foundation
You can make a gift to support IRC through your donor-advised fund (DAF) administered by a community foundation, a DAF at a brokerage, or from your family foundation. As often such gifts arrive without identifying information on the donor or donor’s intentions, please contact the fundraising manager with any instructions when you make the gift. fundraising@insightmeditationcenter.org or (650) 260-8674
Matching Gift from Employer
If your company has a matching gift program, send their matching gift form or information to our Fundraising Manager at fundraising@insightmeditationcenter.org or mail to: Insight Meditation Center
108 Birch Street
Redwood City, CA 94062
Our legal name is: Insight Meditation Center of the Mid-Peninsula, a 501(c) organization, tax ID 770450217. ~ Please indicate to direct the gift to the Insight Retreat Center.
Ebay Giving Works
Support IRC when selling items on Ebay. It’s simple and your donation is tax-deductible.
- Go to Ebay Giving Works. Use Insight Meditation Center of the Midpeninsula as your charity.
- Choose the percentage of your sale you wish to donate: slide the amount from left to right.
- List your item as usual.
Through Your IRA
With recent changes in tax laws, you can make gifts to support IMC directly from your IRA (such gifts are sometimes referred to as qualified charitable contributions or QCDs). Contact your IRA custodian for more information on how to make a gift in this way. Thank you!
Year-end Acknowledgements
In January, IMC will email you an acknowledgement of the sum of your gifts from the previous year made through the IMC or IRC website and PayPal; if you made your gift in another way, you will receive a quarterly receipt by mail. Please retain these receipts for tax purposes. Donations to support IMC and IRC operations are tax-deductible; donations to individual teachers are not tax-deductible. We thank you for your generosity!
May your generosity bring you happiness.

Email the Fundraising Manager at fundraising@insightmeditationcenter.org or call (650) 260-8674.