Insight Retreat Center

May 24 to 31, 2026  –  Start time: Sunday, 4:00 pm (PT)  End time: Sunday 11:30 am (PT)
Check-in Times: Check in promptly Sunday, May 24th at 3pm. This is optional if you have previously attended an IRC Online Retreat in the last few years..

A Hybrid via Zoom of a live silent mindfulness retreat with Andrea Fella and Alexis Santos. The style and form of the retreat are different than our usual retreats. The teachings are based on the teachings of Sayadaw U Tejaniya, and will emphasize open awareness with non-directed attention. For some people accustomed to using the breath to cultivate concentration, the instructions and the practice can feel a bit unfamiliar.

The daily schedule will also be different. The first two days of the retreat will be structured as usual with alternating periods of sitting and walking. Starting on the third day, the schedule becomes more open. There will be some periods for instructions and teachings, as usual, but largely the practice becomes self-directed: you determine your own sitting and walking rhythm.

Practice meetings are held in small groups. Online Practice Discussions are with Liz Powell, the Online Teacher.

This “hybrid” retreat is a “two-track” retreat: Andrea and Alexis will teach in person to the Residential participants at the Insight Retreat Center and simultaneously via Zoom, to the Online participants. Suitable for experienced practitioners and beginners familiar with basic insight meditation instruction and have practiced regularly for at least four months. We encourage practitioners to participate fully, understanding that sometimes exceptions may be necessary due to one’s home circumstances.
Online Retreatants will have Practice Discussions and Drop-in Groups with Liz Powell, as the Online Teacher.
There will also be some spaces available for Online Auditors, (those that would like to audit online without teacher support).


FAQRegistration opens February 24, 2026 – please check back then

  • Requirements: Auditors must have prior experience in the style of Sayadaw U Tejaniya. Please apply for a review of your application.
  • Your application and $ 200 deposit must be received by 3/17/26 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 5/3/26.
  • Questions: Contact the Registrar: TBD,