Residential Retreat Schedule
Insight Retreats are opportunities to engage in full-time mindfulness training. The daily schedule includes periods of sitting and walking meditation, instructions, dharma talks, work meditation and practice discussion with teachers. Silence is maintained throughout most of the retreat.
- COVID Protocol: Please read our COVID Protocol FAQ
- Cost: Our retreats are offered freely at no cost to anyone who participates. Most of the financial support for IRC comes from donations participants offer at the end of retreats. Their generosity is what allows others to participate in future retreats.
- Deposit: A refundable deposit via credit card is required to reserve a space in the retreat. Your card will only be charged if: (1) you are accepted into the retreat and cancel after the cancellation deadline, (three weeks before the start of the retreat), or (2) you are accepted into the retreat and do not attend.
- Lottery: All applications that come in during the first 3 weeks of registration are entered into a lottery. Those not selected can be placed on the Waiting List. If an applicant is not selected in the lottery after applying for a retreat, the probability of getting accepted increases with each subsequent retreat they apply for. More Info.
- Location: Insight Retreat Center, 1906 Glen Canyon Rd, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
See our FAQ for more information – E-Mail Us:
1 week Insight Retreat with Max Erdstein and Matthew Brensilver
March 16 to 23, 2025 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - Login or Register for Carpooling
- Your application and $200 deposit must be received to be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 2/23/25.
- Questions: Contact the Registrar: Leo,
4 day Insight Retreat with Ines Freedman and Diana Clark
April 10 to 13, 2025 - Hours: Thursday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - RETREAT FULL - Registration CLOSED, Waiting List FULL - Login or Register for Carpooling
- Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 3/20/25.
- Questions: Contact the Registrar: Roberta,
1 week Insight Retreat for People in their 20s & 30s with Mei Elliott, Kodo Conlin, and Dawn Neal
April 20 to 27, 2025 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners. This retreat is limited to people in their 20s and 30s.
FAQ - RETREAT FULL - APPLY ONLINE to be put on the WAITING LIST.   - Login or Register for Carpooling
- Your application and $200 deposit must be received to be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 3/30/25.
- Questions: Contact the Registrar: Prerana,
2 week Experienced Practitioners Retreat with Gil Fronsdal, assisted by Diana Clark
May 4 to 18, 2025 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat for experienced yogis that includes alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teacher.
FAQ - RETREAT FULL - APPLY ONLINE to be put on the WAITING LIST.   - Login or Register for Carpooling
- Requirements: Attended at least four, 7-day (or longer) silent Vipassana retreats.
- Your application and $350 deposit must be received to be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 4/6/25.
Note: This retreat will also be webcast to a Zoom Meditation hall for Online Participants. Diana Clark will provide Practice Support for the Online Participants. To register for the Online option instead: REGISTER HERE
- Questions: Contact the Registrar: Fred,
1 week Insight Retreat with Gil Fronsdal, Nolitha Tsengiwe, and Devon Hase
June 1 to 8, 2025 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - RETREAT FULL - Registration CLOSED, Waiting List FULL - Login or Register for Carpooling
- Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 5/11/25.
Note: This retreat will also be webcast to a Zoom Meditation hall for Online Participants. Ying Chen will provide Practice Support for the Online Participants. To register for the Online option instead: REGISTER HERE
- Questions: Contact the Registrar: Helen,
1 week Insight Retreat with Matthew Brensilver and Ines Freedman
June 15 to 22, 2025 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - RETREAT FULL - Registration CLOSED, Waiting List FULL - Login or Register for Carpooling
- Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 5/25/25.
- Questions: Contact the Registrar: Sandra S,
2 week Mindfulness of Mind Retreat for Experienced Students with Andrea Fella, assisted by Liz Powell
June 29 to July 13, 2025 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
Exploration of the mindfulness practice as taught by Sayadaw U Tejaniya, encouraging relaxation of body and mind while paying close attention to present moment experience and the quality of the mind that meditates. Self-directed practice with guidance provided through teachings, Q & A sessions and discussions with the teacher.
FAQ - RETREAT FULL - APPLY ONLINE to be put on the WAITING LIST.   - Login or Register for Carpooling
- Requirements: Attended four 7-day (or longer) silent Vipassana retreats, which includes at least two weeks of retreat in the style of Sayadaw U Tejaniya and teacher's permission. To start the permission process, please apply for the retreat. For questions related to permission, contact Yosh Haggerty at
- Your application and $350 deposit must be received to be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 6/1/25.
- Questions: Contact the Registrar: Roberta,
1 week Metta Retreat with Nikki Mirghafori and Diana Clark
July 20 to 27, 2025 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent metta (lovingkindness) retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - APPLY ONLINE - Registration opened March 20, 2025 - Login or Register for Carpooling
- Your application and $200 deposit must be received by 4/10/25 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 6/29/25.
- Questions: Contact the Registrar: Fred,
1 week Insight Retreat with Ines Freedman and Francisco Morillo Gable
August 3 to 10, 2025 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - APPLY ONLINE - Registration opens April 3, 2025 - please check back then
- Your application and $200 deposit must be received by 4/24/25 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 7/13/25.
- Questions: Contact the Registrar: Kristen,
5 day Insight Retreat in Spanish (Español) with Andrea Castillo and David Lorey
August 20 to 24, 2025 - Hours: Wednesday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
Retiro de meditación y atención plena en silencio con periodos de meditación, pláticas de Dharma. Instrucción de yoga con Ángela Salgado López y pláticas individuales con los maestros para hablar sobre la práctica.
FAQ - APPLY ONLINE - Registration opens April 20, 2025 - please check back then
- Requirements: Haber tenido introducción previa a la meditación Insight y permiso de los maestros.
- Su inscripción y el depósito de $100 deben recibirse a más tardar el día 5/11/25 para ser incluido en la lotería. Aproximadamente 2 semanas después, las personas inscritas recibirán una notificación indicando si fueron aceptadas o si están en la lista de espera del retiro. Las personas que se inscriban después de esta fecha serán colocadas en la lista de espera. El depósito se cobra solamente si la persona aceptada al retiro cancela después de la fecha límite, 7/30/25.
- Questions: Contact the Registrar: Mónica,
28 day Experienced Practitioners Retreat with Gil Fronsdal, assisted by Ines Freedman
August 31 to September 27, 2025 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Saturday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat for experienced yogis that includes alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teacher.
FAQ - APPLY ONLINE - Registration opens March 31, 2025 - please check back then
- Requirements: Attended at least four, 7-day (or longer) silent Vipassana retreats. Attendees will be expected to attend the entire retreat, from beginning to end.
- Your application and $350 deposit must be received by 4/21/25 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 8/3/25.
Note: This retreat will also be webcast to a Zoom Meditation hall for Online Participants. Ines Freedman will provide Practice Support for the Online Participants. To register for the Online option instead: REGISTER HERE
- Questions: Contact the Registrar: Roberta,
1 week Insight Retreat with Diana Clark, Kim Allen, David Lorey, and Ying Chen
October 12 to 19, 2025 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - Registration opens June 12, 2025 - please check back then
- Your application and $200 deposit must be received by 7/3/25 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 9/21/25.
- Questions: Contact the Registrar: Barry,
1 week Insight Retreat with Gil Fronsdal and Andrea Castillo
October 26 to November 2, 2025 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - Registration opens June 26, 2025 - please check back then
- Your application and $200 deposit must be received by 7/17/25 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 10/5/25.
Note: This retreat will also be webcast to a Zoom Meditation hall for Online Participants. Mei Elliott will provide Practice Support for the Online Participants. To register for the Online option instead: REGISTER HERE
- Questions: Contact the Registrar: Fred,
1 week Insight Retreat with Gil Fronsdal and Teacher TBD
November 16 to 23, 2025 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - Registration opens July 16, 2025 - please check back then
- Your application and $200 deposit must be received by 8/6/25 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 10/26/25.
Note: This retreat will also be webcast to a Zoom Meditation hall for Online Participants. Kodo Conlin will provide Practice Support for the Online Participants. To register for the Online option instead: REGISTER HERE
- Questions: Contact the Registrar: Evelyn,
1 week Insight Retreat with Gil Fronsdal and Andrea Fella
November 30 to December 7, 2025 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - Registration opens July 30, 2025 - please check back then
- Your application and $200 deposit must be received by 8/20/25 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 11/9/25.
Note: This retreat will also be webcast to a Zoom Meditation hall for Online Participants. Liz Powell will provide Practice Support for the Online Participants. To register for the Online option instead: REGISTER HERE
- Questions: Contact the Registrar: Helen,
1 week "Insight Santa Cruz" Insight Retreat with Dawn Neal, Bob Stahl, and Mary Grace Orr
December 14 to 21, 2025 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teacher. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - Registration opens August 14, 2025 - please check back then
- Your application and $200 deposit must be received by 9/4/25 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 11/23/25.
- Questions: Contact the Registrar: Barry,
5 day Insight Retreat with Andrea Castillo and Kim Allen
January 7 to 11, 2026 - Hours: Wednesday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - Registration opens September 7, 2025 - please check back then
- Your application and $100 deposit must be received by 9/28/25 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 12/17/25.
1 week Insight Retreat with Gil Fronsdal and Ines Freedman
January 25 to February 1, 2026 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - Registration opens September 25, 2025 - please check back then
- Your application and $200 deposit must be received by 10/16/25 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 1/4/26.
1 week Insight Retreat with Matthew Brensilver and teacher TBD
February 15 to 22, 2026 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - Registration opens October 15, 2025 - please check back then
- Your application and $200 deposit must be received by 11/5/25 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 1/25/26.
1 week LGBTQIA+ Insight Retreat with Gil Fronsdal and Francisco Morillo Gable
March 1 to 8, 2026 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat for the LGBTQIA+ community. This is an opportunity to come together in the safety of community, embracing all of ourselves as we cultivate the wholesome and loving qualities of our hearts and minds. There will be alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners who self-identify as LGBTQIA+ or genderqueer.
FAQ - Registration opens November 1, 2025 - please check back then
- Your application and $200 deposit must be received by 11/22/25 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 2/8/26.
1 week Insight Retreat with Mei Elliott, Kodo Conlin, and teacher TBD
March 15 to 22, 2026 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - Registration opens November 15, 2025 - please check back then
- Your application and $200 deposit must be received by 12/6/25 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 2/22/26.
1 week Insight Retreat with Diana Clark, Kim Allen, Ying Chen, and David Lorey
March 29 to April 5, 2026 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - Registration opens November 29, 2025 - please check back then
- Your application and $200 deposit must be received by 12/20/25 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 3/8/26.
2 week Insight Retreat with Gil Fronsdal, assisted by Diana Clark
April 12 to 26, 2026 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat for experienced yogis that includes alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teacher.
FAQ - Registration opens November 12, 2025 - please check back then
- Requirements: Attended at least four, 7-day (or longer) silent Vipassana retreats.
- Your application and $350 deposit must be received by 12/3/25 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 3/15/26.
1 week Insight Retreat with bruni davila and teacher TBD
May 3 to 10, 2026 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - Registration opens January 3, 2026 - please check back then
- Your application and $200 deposit must be received by 1/24/26 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 4/12/26.
1 week Awareness and Wisdom Retreat with Andrea Fella and Alexis Santos
May 24 to 31, 2026 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
Exploration of the mindfulness practice as taught by Sayadaw U Tejaniya, encouraging awareness and wisdom through relaxation of body and mind while paying close attention to present moment experience and the quality of the mind that meditates. Primarily self-directed practice with guidance provided through teachings, Q & A sessions, and discussions with the teacher. Read more about the style and form of this Awareness & Wisdom retreat.
FAQ - Registration opens January 24, 2026 - please check back then
- Your application and $200 deposit must be received by 2/14/26 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 5/3/26.
Note: This retreat will also be webcast to a Zoom Meditation hall for Online Participants. Liz Powell will provide Practice Support for the Online Participants. To register for the Online option instead: REGISTER HERE
1 week Insight Retreat with Gil Fronsdal and Paul Haller
June 7 to 14, 2026 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - Registration opens February 7, 2026 - please check back then
- Your application and $200 deposit must be received by 2/28/26 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 5/17/26.
2 week Mindfulness of Mind Retreat for Experienced Students with Andrea Fella
June 21 to July 5, 2026 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
Exploration of the mindfulness practice as taught by Sayadaw U Tejaniya, encouraging relaxation of body and mind while paying close attention to present moment experience and the quality of the mind that meditates. Self-directed practice with guidance provided through teachings, Q & A sessions and discussions with the teacher.
FAQ - Registration opens January 21, 2026 - please check back then
- Requirements: Attended four 7-day (or longer) silent Vipassana retreats, which includes at least two weeks of retreat in the style of Sayadaw U Tejaniya and teacher's permission. To start the permission process, please apply for the retreat. For questions related to permission, contact Yosh Haggerty at
- Your application and $350 deposit must be received by 2/11/26 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 5/24/26.
1 week Insight Retreat in Spanish (Español) with Andrea Castillo and David Lorey
July 12 to 19, 2026 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
Retiro de meditación y atención plena en silencio con periodos de meditación, pláticas de Dharma. Instrucción de yoga con Ángela Salgado López y pláticas individuales con los maestros para hablar sobre la práctica.
FAQ - Registration opens March 12, 2026 - please check back then
- Requirements: Haber tenido introducción previa a la meditación Insight y permiso de los maestros.
- Su inscripción y el depósito de $200 deben recibirse a más tardar el día 4/2/26 para ser incluido en la lotería. Aproximadamente 2 semanas después, las personas inscritas recibirán una notificación indicando si fueron aceptadas o si están en la lista de espera del retiro. Las personas que se inscriban después de esta fecha serán colocadas en la lista de espera. El depósito se cobra solamente si la persona aceptada al retiro cancela después de la fecha límite, 6/21/26.
6 day Insight Retreat with Ines Freedman and Matthew Brensilver
July 26 to 31, 2026 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Friday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - Registration opens March 26, 2026 - please check back then
- Your application and $100 deposit must be received by 4/16/26 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 7/5/26.
1 week "Insight Santa Cruz" Insight Retreat with Dawn Neal, Bob Stahl, and Mary Grace Orr
August 9 to 16, 2026 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teacher. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - Registration opens April 9, 2026 - please check back then
- Your application and $200 deposit must be received by 4/30/26 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 7/19/26.
29 day Experienced Practitioners Insight Retreat with Gil Fronsdal, assisted by Ines Freedman
August 30 to September 27, 2026 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat for experienced yogis that includes alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teacher.
FAQ - Registration opens March 30, 2026 - please check back then
- Requirements: Attended at least four, 7-day (or longer) silent Vipassana retreats. Attendees will be expected to attend the entire retreat, from beginning to end.
- Your application and $350 deposit must be received by 4/20/26 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 8/2/26.
5 day Insight Retreat with Max Erdstein and Ines Freedman
October 7 to 11, 2026 - Hours: Wednesday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - Registration opens June 7, 2026 - please check back then
- Your application and $100 deposit must be received by 6/28/26 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 9/16/26.
1 week Insight Retreat with Gil Fronsdal, Mei Elliot, and Kodo Conlin
October 18 to 25, 2026 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - Registration opens June 18, 2026 - please check back then
- Your application and $200 deposit must be received by 7/9/26 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 9/27/26.
4 day Insight Retreat for People in their 20s and 30s with Max Erdstein and Matthew Brensilver
October 30 to November 2, 2026 - Hours: Friday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Monday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners. This retreat is limited to people in their 20s and 30s.
FAQ - Registration opens July 30, 2026 - please check back then
- Your application and $100 deposit must be received by 8/20/26 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 10/9/26.
1 week Insight Retreat with Gil Fronsdal and Matthew Brensilver
November 14 to 21, 2026 - Hours: Saturday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Saturday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - Registration opens July 14, 2026 - please check back then
- Your application and $200 deposit must be received by 8/4/26 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 10/24/26.
1 week Insight Retreat with Gil Fronsdal and Andrea Fella
November 29 to December 6, 2026 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - Registration opens July 29, 2026 - please check back then
- Your application and $200 deposit must be received by 8/19/26 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 11/8/26.
1 week Metta Retreat with Nikki Mirghafori and Liz Powell
December 13 to 20, 2026 - Hours: Sunday check-in is from 1:00 pm (PT) to 3:00 pm (PT) End time: Sunday 1:00 pm (PT)
A silent metta (lovingkindness) retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks, work meditation, and practice discussion with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
FAQ - Registration opens August 13, 2026 - please check back then
- Your application and $200 deposit must be received by 9/3/26 to be entered in the lottery. Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks later if they have been Accepted or are on the Waiting List. Subsequent applications will be added to the Waiting List. Your deposit will only be charged if you are accepted to the retreat and cancel after 11/22/26.