6/11/15 10 Cu. Ft. Softener with Fleck 2900 Metered Control Head MT29/17NXT-M-300 $3,445.00.
SERVICED BY (if needed): Clean Water Systems and Stores (831-462-8500). 2806 Soquel Ave # A, Santa Cruz. They have a team that can come out to address any issues.
- Purchased from CleanWaterStore from Brett Hydeman 831-462-8500 Ext 204
- Installed by Brian Jackson from Jackson plumbing
- Spec Sheet Fleck 2900. 2″ Valve ~ Spec Sheet for Fleck NXT advanced system network controller
- The Fleck 2900 control valve is capable of handling a service flow rate of about 60 gpm and peak flows of up to 95 gpm and would result in very minimal pressure drop.
- Includes 24” x 72” tank, hubs and laterals, base media gravel and 10 cubic feet of softening resin, 30” x 48” commercial sized brine tank, and the Fleck 2900-NXT Digital heavy-duty 2” metered control valve.
- Tanks is Metered, goes by gallons and then regenerates
- Has Timer (if not used for a while) has setting at 20 days; regenerates at 2 am for 3 hours
- Costco 18.95! Regular salt is $5 to 8